At the time of its creation in 1857 at the Paris Opera, Marco Spada was a great success. Remounted by Pierre Lacotte for the Rome Opera, this fresh and joyous ballet about a big-hearted bandit greatly interested Rudolf Nureyev who wanted to dance it. With a peal of laughter, Pierre Lacotte had Nureyev sign a contract on a piece of a paper tablecloth to stay during the three weeks of rehearsal necessary to participate in this creation and to
interpret this role made to measure for him. Nureyev had a lot of
fun playing the bandit and the father, with comic inspiration and
resolute vitality.

  • Recording: 1982
  • Duration: 110 minutes
  • Choreography: Pierre Lacotte
  • Music: Daniel François Esprit Auber
  • Staging: Pierre Lacotte
  • Publication date: October 26 2009
  • Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish
  • Publisher: Hardy Classic